After an accident or (sports) injury leading to Concussion and/or Whiplash people often have prolonged physical and/ or cognitive symptoms.
People can get in a situation where physical symptoms caused by a muscle imbalance cause flareup of physical pain and/or triggering of concussion symptoms.
People can get in a vicious circle where physical symptoms trigger pain and/or concussion symptoms.
Extra gentle Osteopathy Concussion Treatment is very effective at breaking this vicious circle of pain and over-stimulation.
About 2% of Canadians have Traumatic Brain Injury (due to concussion) and/or whiplash Injury.
Active recovery is considered the best approach for Concussion / Whiplash.
Long-term active recovery leads to the best results. Short-term active recovery can on occasion lead to a temporary increase in symptoms.
Osteopathy Treatment can be a key component in managing the temporary increase in symptoms.
A temporary increase in symptoms usually shows up as: an increase in pain (including headaches), reduction in range of motion, and overstimulating of the brain (brain fog).
Often the physical symptoms (reduced range of motion and/or pain) affect the cognitive symptoms (brain fog).
Extra gentle Osteopathy Treatment can reduce physical symptoms by increasing the range of motion and reducing pain.
Alleviation of physical symptoms in return has a positive effect on cognitive symptoms (clearer thinking).
Manual Osteopath Treatment is effective for treatment of Concussion and Whiplash.
